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Wednesday, April 05, 2006 

Lost - Episode: Dave

Another great episode...I watched it on CTV two hrs earlier than ABC...

This episode is about Hurley and his imaginary friend Dave which Hurley believes to be real. There are at least two major things in this episode:

1. Hurley has met Libby before...because she is a psyc ward patient at the same hospital as Hurley as well...it is revealed at the very end.

2. Like I always thought, Henry Gale did not push the button in time in the last episode Lockdown...He revealed to Locke that he did not push the button. After the count down to 0 and the flipping of the hieroglyphics, there is a loud magnetic, rumbling noise. Then, it wind-up. The clock flips back to 108 minutes. Nothing happens if you do not push the button. I suppose this trigger the food ration drop as well. Station 3 is just a large Skinner's Box. It may be that Henry is lying, but no one really knows until the season finale...

In the preview for the next episode, you can see that Locke is trying to draw the map from his memory... I think he only remembers the centre of the map with the ? ...

That's the only part of the map I could remember too. And that's after studying the annotated maps that popped up online.

I've always suspected Hurley remembered Libby because she was a fellow patient, but I kind of forgot about my theory because it didn't seem like they were leaning in that direction. I figure her admission to the hospital is why she never finished her schooling to become a psychologist, or whatever it was she was supposed to be.

If you checkout Lostpedia.com (which has everything and the writers of the show seems to know about it), there are many theories about Libby. I do not believe that she is a psychologist at all. She might just have learned enough psychology as a patient to pass herself off as a psychologist.

Also, there are recurring themes here: "bad/good people", interconnectedness of the people on the plane. Everyone of them seems to be connected somehow. Libby and Hurley are patients at the hospital. So is Locke's mother...

False-Henry Gale stated that he is not a bad person...Goodwin (one of the Others with the tailies) said that the list (they made) contains the "good people". Does this mean that the current survivors like Jack and Kate, etc are bad people?

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